Decoding Migraines - A holistic journey to lasting relief

This is what every sufferer needs to know

For many years it was believed that migraines were caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, which is why medication is often the first choice for GP’s and Neurologists. However migraine experts understand intimately, that a sensitised trigeminocervical nucleus (in your brain stem) is one of the most common primary drivers of migraine. Research tells us that trigeminocervical nucleus (TCN) is sensitised by misalignment of the occiput, C1, C2 vertebrae (top of the neck/base of skull). We also know that misalignment of T4, T5, T6 can intensify the nausea and vomiting that often accompanies a migraine. Misalignment of the sacrum and T10 -12 intensifies or in some cases, triggers period migraines.

80-90% of the migraine sufferers we have consulted with over the past 8 years have had a very distinct pattern in their spine and nervous system. Their migraines were caused by dysfunction and misalignment of the sacrum, T10-L1, T4-8 and occiput to C3. This is without a doubt the root cause of many migraine sufferers intense and debilitating problem.

Our approach is centred around the understanding that if you don’t treat the patient as a whole, you won’t help them find lasting relief. Because in effect, you are only addressing 50% of the problem. Ashley’s exclusive protocol has helped 1000's of sufferers in Melbourne and the Gold Coast, with some flying from interstate to undergo treatment.

To learn more about this exclusive protocol and if it’s the right approach for you. Please call the practice on 0466 444 476.